Strength TogetHER 19 - Session 4

July 10,2021

‘You believe any criticism of yourself, yet only complement must be a lie’.

It’s dreary in fact because any anxiety keeps me away from leaving the moments and prospects as much I should.

My gratitude towards Lokopakar youth organization which strives towards strengthening personal growth and development. It is proud to announce that this organization is enhancing the personality of young girls, where they share their stories of experience motivating us to accept the challenges and face the adversities. I would like to thank each one of the participants for joining hands-on hands to inspire and be inspired.

Our moderator for the fifth session was Miss Deepshika Ghimire who is the founding president of Aayam public speaker winner of the debate tournament like Rastrabahas and Mahasangram.

Further, she has also contributed to representing our country in international tournaments like IUB Ascension and several awards holders in literature we would heartily appreciate her achievements and wish her all the lucks in common days. At this time she is shaping her future pursuing the BALLB program at national law college.

The session was " Beat Social Anxiety" had 4 speakers with 17 participants. The program was commenced exactly at 6 PM and terminated at 7:30 PM virtually via zoom which was beautifully hosted by our cohort coordinator Surakshya Khanal.

Afraid to go out and communicate? Difficult to make friends? Rather staying alone all days scared to be in a big crowd? Panicking about going to social events? Nervous facing difficulties, staying quiet instead of asking? Feel like everyone is staring at you? Red cheeks? Fear? Reflect yourself. Do you find these conventions match yours? All almost all of us can’t deny the fact we have passed some of these habits. These are the quirks we all do have. Since we are social animals we don’t bear with intelligent minds and perfection. We develop them gradually embracing all the flaws.

Scrutinizing the thoughts of every speaker what I noticed is that every one of us has faced social anxiety once in our lifetime; only the matter is how fast we overcome come it and step forward indeed people have tremendous energy merely to be normal speakers shared their experiences how to stand up and utter their ideas potential one of the speaker admitted that due to the social anxiety she has had let go numerous opportunities never tells there is no option than to rue on it. As she could not gather the courage to tackle it. Previously now she is dire about stepping forward in the present day. Every speaker’s experience thoughts were overlapped with each other’s.

Moderator shared her childhood experiences about how she hesitated to open up walk on the stages, receive gifts awards just to avert mass. Furthermore, she also motivated us through her life experiences realizing the worth of speaking, practicing in front of the mirror, dealing with all those criticisms once she walked out of her comfort zone. Her speaking taught us to show our potential no matter what others think, as we are born to impress ourselves. We are our favorites, it’s not our accountability to read others' minds, and thoughts. She suggests us some of the techniques to beat social anxiety. Typically, people don’t seek help since they don’t like to be embarrassed. However, it’s absolutely wrong to follow it. Speak up, share your problems, and be motivated.

  • Try to discuss, know your potentials among your circles when you feel comfortable with it.

  • Do not let your self-thoughts make you down. You are beautiful in your own way.

  • Always think that we all are learning, growing. Nobody is born with a creative mind and skill.

  • Try to be factful in every positive way.

  • Share your feelings, thoughts, phases of what you are going through.

First of all hesitating to speak up, from active listener to factful speaker the session helped me a lot. Now I don’t feel like being given chance to speak to others. Those stories and experiences we shared were beyond perfect which boosted us widened our narrow thoughts. Our moderator listened to each one of us and inspired us to face the shape of the mass.

‘Let’s be out of our comfort zone, let our opinions and ideas reach to every corner everywhere.’

Written by- Renuka Thapa (Cohort participant)


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