Strength TogetHER 19 - Session 5

August 2, 2021

"There's no real ending, it's just the place where you end the story".

The final session for cohort-19 of Strength TogetHER was conducted. With all our fellow sisters connected through the screens, we rewinded on our memorable journey that started with the first session.


I remember how nervous I was, signing into the zoom meeting, not having a clue about what was coming up. It was my first time ever joining a program conducted by Lokopakar. I was invited to be a part of Strength TogetHER by my close friend, who was also coordinating the cohort. I genuinely was interested in it because I always wanted to boost up my confidence and be able to communicate in a better way. The first session was so much more than what I had expected. It was almost like a catch-up with my long lost friends, fun and interactive. It remained the same throughout all the sessions conducted afterwards. With inspiring moderators guiding us through and fellow sisters to share their parts of stories, I felt positive energy surrounding me inside out. We shared our hearts out, knowing our sisters were there to listen to our stories and rise TogetHER. We all have had different journeys throughout our lives. All that we've learned and experienced connected at a junction there. 


For the coordinator (Surakshya Khanal) herself, the cohort was quite an experience. Cohort-19 was the first one she ever coordinated. She mentioned that it was fruitful and helped improvise her leadership skills and grow confidence within herself. Though most of us were strangers, it felt secure interacting and learning TogetHER.


The story of cohort-19 has ended but there are many stories being written and to be written by Lokopakar. Not to mention, I absolutely love myself for deciding to be a part of my first ever co-development program. 


Written by- Monica Adhikary (Cohort participant)


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